8 Manipulative Tactics Narcissists Use To Keep You Trapped

8 Manipulative Tactics Narcissists Use To Keep You Trapped

8 Manipulative Tactics Narcissists Use To Keep You Trapped

Narcissists are self-obsessed individuals who Manipulate & control others for their personal gain; they use a few specific manipulative tactics for getting and maintaining control. Narcissists manipulate other people to get this sense of supremacy, whether it's at work, in a romantic relationship, or within a family.

Here're  8 Manipulative Tactics Narcissists Use To Keep You Trapped

1. Monitor And Stalk

The Narcissist is always present, lurking behind the victim’s back, or from a good safe distance, keeping an eye on him or her.
They monitor the victim’s computer or phone, and even use surveillance equipment in order to follow the person’s every move.
The goal here is simple, maintain knowledge of everything the victim says and does, their coming and goings, and who they know.

2. Amplification

The Narcissist will shout out your failures and whisper your successes. Any limelight the victim deserves will be diminished.

Their achievements will go unnoticed and their flaws will be widely publicized. The goal is to drain the victim's energy to be successful, and make them self-doubt, so that the manipulator can be the center of attention at all times while belittling the victim.

3- Guilt Tripping

Narcissists play on your vulnerabilities, fears, and compassion by using guilt and pity ploys. They gain your trust by making believe they loved you.
Narcissist might try to guilt trip you by calling you selfish or inconsiderate. ... They know how to make
you feel guilty and their only intent is to keep the status quo

4- Threats.

They believe that they have to control you because if they lose, this means that you are now better than them and have demolished their sense of self-worth. So…to protect their self-esteem and get what they want, they devalue and threaten you. They try to scare you into agreeing with them.

5- Shaming.

By planting shame in other people, narcissists in essence install a button they can press at any time to manipulate and punish those they seek to control. Those who love, care about, or otherwise look up to or rely on narcissists, such as their children, partners, relatives, friends, employees, students, congregants, patients, or others within their sphere of influence, are vulnerable to messages of shame. Because narcissists do not feel remorse for hurting people and abusing their power over others, but in fact believe they are justified in doing so, they shame with abandon.

6- Invalidation

Why do narcissists invalidate?
Not only do you lack emotional safety, but you also feel worthless and almost invisible. Gradually you even start doubting your sanity. Invalidation comes from the lack of empathy and lack of empathy is one of the main traits of narcissism.

Read Also:  How To Break Up With  A Narcissist

7- Rationalizing

Narcissists are skilled at rationalizing their behaviors. Not only can they turn an outrageous situation normal, but they can convince sane, levelheaded individuals that they are dramatic, irrational, and crazy. Gaslighting and micro-manipulations are just a couple of the tools that narcissists use for confusing the victim in a relationship and keeping them under control.

8- Projecting

Narcissists often have lower self-esteem and higher self-doubt than the average person. At the same time, however, they cannot face these insecurities, because that would mean challenging their grandiose self-image. So when they feel something that they cannot accept, they reject it in themselves and project it onto someone else – like you

It’s when they accuse you of something that they are in fact doing. So perhaps they accuse you of lying or being manipulative when they are the one lying.

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