7 Ways Super Empath Can Disarm A Narcissist

7 Ways Super Empath Can Disarm A Narcissist

The relationship between the narcissist and the empath is one-sided, with one being the giver and the other taking as much as possible. Much like a parasitic relationship, an empath in a relationship wants to help the other and provide a source of support and love to the narcissist, who thrives on this kind of attention. Given the selfish and emotionally manipulative tendencies of the narcissists in the relationship, they end up taking over the empath.

An empath tends to absorb the emotions and energy of others. And that's because they have so much compassion that when they meet a narcissist, the energy they feel triggers something in them that ignites their need to heal the narcissist. This the beginning of narcissistic supply cycle.

So, there is nothing a narcissist loves more than empaths, and that their kind nature makes them willing to believe that everyone is well-meaning and of equal value from the same kindness. They want to help those in need, especially the vulnerable ones. Or at least look vulnerable. 

The narcissist's perfectly crafted tragic backstory, filled with stories of victimhood, will make the empaths rush to help. Their carefully crafted nature to appear friendly and inviting will make the empath feel like they can trust them. All this makes them easy prey for narcissists.

However, there are some empaths who are not affected by the narcissist's manipulation, we will refer to them as super-empaths. A super empath is someone who has a deep intuition about what the people around them want.

This means that the super empath can not only feel the emotions of others, but they can also feel these sensations in their own bodies. This makes them very sensitive to other people's feelings. Because of this, super-empaths can “feel” the inner turmoil, shame, and self-loathing that narcissists hide behind the masks of their outward arrogance. This is part of what attracts empaths in general to narcissists.

Although, super empaths are often targeted by narcissists because they are so kind and giving. Narcissists crave admiration, so they primarily seek out and adore people who understand them. Super-empaths, however, are also skilled at detecting abusive behavior such as gaslighting, minimization, and deflection.

7 Ways Super Empath Can Disarm A Narcissist

Super empaths are highly intelligent people who understand their worth. They have self-respect. This is what makes them so dangerous to narcissists. They understand what is really going on with narcissists, and a super empath will not put up with their manipulative behaviors.

Before we delve any deeper, we'll go over the traits of super empath and how to turn your empathy into your superpower! Traits of superior empath:

  • They’re hyper-aware of the emotions around them.
  • They feel other people’s pain more than most.
  • They experience physical pain when they’re around people who are suffering.
  • They own emotions are easily triggered.
  • A gifted advisor confirms it.
  • They struggle to set boundaries with other people.
  • They are acutely aware of their environment.
  • Other people open up to them easily.

Here're 7 Ways Super Empath Can Disarm A Narcissist:

1. Undermining the passive aggression of narcissists. 

Narcissists often use passive aggressive techniques to devalue and manipulate the people around them. However, when super empaths see the passive aggression behind the narcissist's behavior, they are able to respond in a calm manner without giving the narcissist what they really want - the emotional response that makes the narcissist feel powerful. Because super empaths are in touch with their feelings, they are able to control them and respond in the exact opposite way the narcissist would have hoped.

The super empath can turn the tables on the narcissist and confront them with their behavior. While the narcissist may respond with characteristic anger, the one with a superior empath is able to remain calm and simply ask the narcissist what is behind his behavior. This is the last thing the narcissist wants to discuss, and this tactic usually makes them back off.

2. Crush the narcissist's sense of entitlement.

One of narcissistic personality disorder traits is a sense of entitlement. The narcissist inculcates the false image they have created of themselves with the belief that they deserve all that is good in life. The super empath has the ability to see this entitlement and tell the narcissist what it is. They will not hesitate to let narcissists know that they are not entitled to anything and that they should be grateful for what they have in life. The willingness of super-empaths to confront narcissists is a large part of their ability to crush their own sense of entitlement.

While super-empaths compassionate with the narcissist's pain, they also understand that the only way out for the narcissist is to face the truth. This is why they are often willing to call out narcissists for their bad behavior.

3. They dominate narcissists

Narcissists are used to controlling their relationships. They are easily able to detect a person's weaknesses and use them to manipulate and control their victim. Unfortunately for them, they met their match with the super empath. These are the people who can not only detect your fears, but they can actually feel them in their bodies.
They can easily detect what makes someone fearful, and quickly see through the situation that they are dealing with a narcissist, they can easily develop a strategy to control the narcissist by keeping them on edge.

The super empath's ability to feel the narcissist's inner feelings is the narcissist's worst fear. This means that they can see the narcissist's true self, and that makes them dangerous because they can reveal that to the world. The narcissist will want to avoid this at all costs, and in fact, the narcissist will often end the relationship to protect themselves.

Related Article5 Painful Truths Empaths Must Eventually Face In Relationship With Narcissists

4. They break the narcissist's ego.

Super empaths are very intelligent people, and they also get in touch with their emotions. They are also able to see what will hurt the narcissist the most. This is why, when they need to call out narcissists for their bad behavior, they can do so in a very forthright and effective way. Furthermore, if a narcissist takes to undervaluing a superior empath, they are perfectly capable of standing up for themselves. They can use narcissistic tactics of devaluation to break the narcissist's ego and bring them to their knees. Narcissists, who have convinced themselves they are the best in the relationship. 

While super-empaths are compassionate people who seek to help others heal, they can also protect themselves in devastatingly effective ways. The most effective tool for super empaths is to turn off their emotions. They become icy cold and can then attack the narcissist's vulnerable ego.

5.They are able to recognize the narcissist's insecurities.

The super-empath is able to recognize the narcissist's behaviors for what it is while also recognizing the narcissist's pain and insecurity. They are actually fell their pain, and they want to assist.

The problem for the narcissist is that the super-empath is aware that the only way to truly assist is to face those insecurities and the underlying reasons of those feelings head-on. Narcissists are frequently unable to do this since doing so would expose their true selves, which they view as being worthless.

Read: 7 Tips for Dealing with a Narcissist (When You Don't Have a Choice)

6. They spoil the narcissistic projection.

Another favorite tactic of narcissists is to project their fears and flaws onto others. It's a way to distract from their true feelings. However, super empath is easily able to discern what is going on.

Super empaths have a good understanding of their own emotions and abilities. They are inherent in self-awareness, and they have strong self-confidence. This is why this tactic simply does not work for them. When they see that this is what the narcissist is doing, they deflect those attempts and will not respond in the way the narcissist would expect. They will again call out the behavior for what it is, thus exposing the narcissist's vulnerability and inner turmoil.

Read Also :  Can An Empath Become A Narcissist?

7. They insist on accountability.

Super empaths have a lot of integrity in addition of being a highly perceptive people.  They are not afraid to face their flaws as they are fully aware of their strengths and weaknesses.  They insist on keeping everyone around them accountable since they are so honest about their characteristics. On the other hand, a narcissist will jump through all kinds of hoops to prevent anyone from blaming them or seeing their flaws.
The problem with narcissists is that the super empath is not afraid to confront them and insist that they need to be responsible for their actions. This is devastating to the narcissist's ego. 
Apart from the wrath it elicits, it's something they can't stand. Because of this kind of honesty, the narcissist will frequently break off a connection with the empath. Since they have spent their entire lives lying to everyone, including themselves, narcissists prefer to flee when someone demands they take responsibility for their actions.

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